Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do

The term Tae Kwon Do originates from Korea and was first used in 1955 by general Hong-hi. Tae Kwon Do was developed at the time when Korea was incorporated into the Japanese empire. Therefore one can not deny the Japanese influences. If you translate Tae Kwon Do, it means simply put „the foot fist way“. In principle, there are three different courses of Tae Kwon Do today. These are divided into the traditional international Tae Kwon Do Federation (ITF traditional), the reformed international Tae Kwon Do Federation (ITF reformed) and the World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF).

Tae Kwon Do resembles in the execution of movements all other Asian styles. But in competition it stands out because of its fast dynamic movements and the predominant leg techniques. These changes are put down to the rules of a competition.

More about Tae Kwon Do in Vienna.
More about Tae Kwon Do in Wels.
More about Tae Kwon Do in Salzburg.
More about Tae Kwon Do in Linz.