Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu

Is a method for unarmed Self-Defense originating from the Japanese Samurai. Jui Jitsu can be learned at every age and serves various possibilities for Self-Defense, like e.g. strengthening one’s nature and Self-Confidence to solve conflicts peacefully. The exact moment of emergence of Jiu Jitsu is not exactly ascertainable, but it is important that this Martial Art is shaped by the rationale „Indulge to win“. In one of the myths of emergence the story of Akiyama Shirobei is told who founded the first school of the „art of indulgence“.

When beginning the learning process of Jiu Jitsu the students learns the Kihon (= basic school) consisting of techniques for stroking, hitting, kicking and legs, as well as Ukemi (= fall school) to be able to avoid injuries as well as possible. Afterwards one learns the use of joint locks, throws and fixing techniques, and the unarmed Self-Defense against the own person and against third parties (e.g. choking, grabbing wrists, kicking, etc.). Furthermore the ground combat is taught. At the beginning of a training unit the general stamina is trained through intensive exercise.

There are strict politeness regulations for Jiu Jitsu, as well as regulations for training of Martial Arts. Furthermore one has to wear a so called „Keikogi“ at Jiu Jitsu. This is a special attire. In this Martial Art there is a hierarchical system which gets obvious by the color of the belt (Japanese Obi). Hereby one does differ between student’s grades (Kyu grades or Mudansha) and master’s grades (Dan grades or Yüdansha).

Many other Martial Arts developed from Jiu Jitsu. Judo is a style of Jiu Jitsu which has its priority on throws. At Aikido round movements have priority. A relatively wide spread kind of Jiu Jitsu is the still young German Ju Jutsu. This consists of Jiu Jitsu with many different influences. Furthermore there is the Brazilian kind of Jiu Jitsu where the focus is on ground combat.

More about Jiu Jitsu in Salzburg.